Species File; Sata

No one has ever seen a Sata. (Say-tah)

No one but us.

The Planet Sata currently circles a long elliptical orbit in the Ornaxian System. It arrived in the system approximately 150 Ornaxian Solar years ago and will leave the system in approximately 25 Ornaxian Solar years.

Not much is known about the species other than they spend their time between systems in a deep, underground hibernation.

The Sata have come into contact with media and images from other parts of the galaxy, and have come into some awareness that their species is not fully free. A Separatist Movement has formed, with the intention of freeing Sata of Ornaxian influence in the immediate term, and securing a Free Sata once the Exoplanet has established itself in the next system.

It is likely that the Planet Sata will establish a far orbit in the Hornellian system. Hornellia currently supports an independent Sata, but is actively seeking new mineral resources that Sata could offer them.

There are very few images of the Sata themselves. This is the one image we have of Merill, suspected to be a strong leader in the Separatist Movement. He should be considered suspect and possibly dangerous.

Merill, a Separatist Leader

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